Art Show & Sale

Attention Artists,
Thank you for your interest in the CONtraflow X Art Show and Auction. CONtraflow is a three-day, fan-run, general science fiction convention with a literary focus held annually in the New Orleans metro area. It is dedicated to the genres of science fiction, fantasy, comics, gaming, and anime/manga.
The CONtraflow Art Show features three-dimensional and two-dimensional art in a variety of media within the themes of science fiction, fantasy, comics, gaming, or anime/manga. Our show consists of artwork for viewing or purchase throughout the weekend and an auction on Sunday afternoon. We also provide space for a “Print Shop” to allow for sales of unframed or duplicates of hanging artwork.
You will find the rules for the Show / Auction / Print Shop in the link below as well as a registration form, bidding sheets, and control sheets. Please fill out these sheets as completely as possible so that we may keep track of your work and sales and feel free to copy as many bid-sheets and master list forms as needed. You can email us with any questions for the CONtraflow art show care of We must receive confirmation of your participation in this year’s art show and sale by September 15, 2022 to reserve your spot. Artwork, registration form, and payment must be received by September 29, 2022. You may also deliver your work to the convention site in person on Friday, October 7, 2022 between 9:00 am and 11:00 am provided you have already registered for the show. Space is limited and is available on a first come, first served basis. Please contact us if you have any questions and thank you for choosing to display/sell your work with CONtraflow.
Julie Schiavo
CONtraflow X Art Show & Sale, 2022
CONtraflow X Artist Packet 2022 PDF
[ ./shared/2022/CONtraflow_X_Artists_packet_2022.pdf ]
CONtraflow X Artist Packet 2022 Word
[ ./shared/2022/CONtraflow_X_Artists_packet_2022.docx ]